Why Does Your Dog’s Paws Smell Like Fritos?

Why Does Your Dog's Paws Smell Like Fritos?

Have you noticed that your dog’s paw smells like fritos or corn chips? This is caused by a yeast bacteria known as Pseudomonas or Proteus. 

Why they smell like fritos

The reason for this yeasty smell is essentially because of your dog’s sweat. Dog’s don’t perspire, they pant to cool down. But the one place they have sweat glands is in their paws. And of course, walking outside and getting their feet dirty also has something to do with it.

Is it a problem?

This smell is completely normal for your dog to emit. It does not mean your dog has an infection. It may be unpleasant for you to smell, but for your dog it’s completely fine. The only time you should really worry about this specific bacteria is when your dog seems to be irritated. 

Your dog could begin to start licking their paws more than normal. This is a sign that their paw(s) are itchy. There’s a possibility they may develop a lump. Their paws may become red, which can be from the frequent licking or something worse is going on. In other words, they may have an infection. If it becomes that bad, you should schedule a vet visit for some antibiotics.

Why Does Your Dog's Paws Smell Like Fritos?

How to clean

There’s no need to clean your dog’s paws from their natural smell. However, it is a good idea to clean them once in a while.

Why Does Your Dog's Paws Smell Like Fritos

After your daily walks or being out in the yard, you can wipe your dog’s paws with a wet cloth or with unscented wipes specifically made for dogs.

You can also clean their feet when it’s time for their occasional bath. Get that warm water running. You can either get a dog safe soap or use their shampoo. Take a dab of shampoo or soap, and rub it gently into one of your dog’s paws. You can either just use your hands or a soft bristle toothbrush to get between the toes. 

Why Does Your Dog's Paws Smell Like Fritos?

Another way to help their paws to stay clean and not develop infection, is by trimming their nails on a regular basis, as well as the hair between their toes if your dog has long hair.

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