Why Does Your Dog Eat Poop?

why does your dog eat poop

There are a number of reasons why your dog likes eating poop, whether it’s their own or another animals.

Why they do it

One of the reasons they do it could be due to them not getting enough nutrients from their kibble food. Eating poop is also a natural instinct that dogs in the wild are known to do, especially when they’re puppies, so your dog may just be following their instinct. A dog can even resort to eating feces if they’re confined in close quarters or if they aren’t getting enough attention from their owner. 

How to stop it


Giving your dog essential vitamins can help them end their poop eating habits, since they’ll be getting enough daily nutrients. Talk with your vet for suggested vitamin supplements and/or foods to give to your dog.

It’s also thought that dog’s eat their own poop to help aid their digestion. So some type of enzyme supplement recommended by your vet could help.

Another supplement people use is coprophagia treats. You can find these online. When your dog goes and does their business, the treat is supposed to make their poop taste worse. Which should ultimately make your dog refrain from eat their own poop.

Why Does Your Dog Eat Poop


Give them a treat after they poop! After your dog poops, try calling them over and giving them a treat. Do this each time after they go, and eventually they’ll always expect a treat after pooping, and will be uninterested in eating their poop.

If your dog is eating other animal poop, such as rabbit, you can try commands like “leave it”, and if they listen give them a treat. 


Another way of stopping this behavior is if you pick up right away. Watch them when they’re doing their business, and then when they finish, clean it up. Although it’s really you doing all the work, it helps. And you’ll always have a clean yard!

If your dog has problems with eating other animal poop rather than their own, make sure to visit the vet to check for potential parasites.

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