Trimming your dog’s nails may seem like a daunting task, whether it’s because you’re worried how your dog may react or you’re not sure how to start. Here are a few easy ways on how you can trim your dog’s nails.
Getting started
If you’re new to trimming your dog’s nails, here’s how you can start. First you’ll want to get them used to you touching their paws, as well as the tool you’ll be using. You can begin by touching and squeezing their paw gently, and reward them with a treat. Then take the tool you’ll be using and touch each paw with it, and then reward them.
If you’re using nail clippers, you can begin slowly trimming their nails. Make sure to reward them with treats and praise. If your dog is showing that they really don’t like it, try trimming one nail or paw a day, so they eventually get used to it.
If you’re using a grinder, you can take the same steps as the nail clippers. Before actually grinding your dog’s nails, however, try getting them used to the sound the tool will make.
Nail clippers
With nail clippers, you’ll want to hold your dog’s paw as shown in the picture here.

Knowing how far to trim
Avoid clipping past the curve of your dog’s nail. If you can see the pink area in their nail, you’ll want to avoid clipping close to that. That area is where blood vessels are, and if nicked will be painful for them. If your dog has darker nails and you can’t see the pink area, trim about an ⅛ of an inch, or until their nail is barely touching the floor. You can do this at least every two weeks or so.
You’ll want to hold your dog’s paw like the picture shown here. Hold their toe firmly, and begin to grind from the bottom of their nail, then from the tip down.

How far to grind
Grind just before the pink area of the nail. If your dog has darker nails, grind until their nail is barely touching the floor. You can do this process at least every two weeks or so.
If all else fails
If you’re not comfortable trimming your dog’s nails, you can always go to your vet or a groomer to get the job done.