Are Retractable Leashes a Good Idea?

retractable leashes, Are Retractable Leashes a Good Idea

If you’re considering using a retractable leash, you’ll want to know the pros and cons, as well as which one weighs out the other. 



A retractable leash may seem like a solution to your dog’s pulling, but it’s not. It’s actually the cause of the problem. Unless you have the leash locked in place at a certain length, your dog is going to feel the tension of the leash. This essentially means that when there’s tension on the leash, your dog will move forward thinking it’s okay to pull against this tension when it’s actually not okay.

It’s better to use a long leash if you’re training your dog not to pull.


Injuries to both dogs and their handlers are very common when using a retractable leash. When your dog pulls suddenly, the leash may rub against your skin and cause a burn. Owners have gotten tangled, as well as their dog. Fingers have gotten caught in the leash cord. Even people who are passing by have gotten injured. 

When a dog sees a rabbit or a squirrel and they run after it, the leash will cause a huge jolt when they’ve reached the end of the leash. Since retractable leashes are long, when your dog starts running and gaining a lot of momentum, the end of the leash will stop them all at once. This can cause an injury to the neck. And if you’re not strong enough to hold them when this happens, your dog will be running loose.

Leash handling

Retractable leashes can actually make leash handling more difficult than it needs to be. You can’t hold the leash with two hands like you can with a regular leash. This can make it a bit more difficult to control your dog and hold onto the leash. 

Your dog will also be prone to getting into more trouble when the leash is long, and if you’re not paying attention. 

Using this leash in a busy area, such as a city, is not a good idea. Your dog could go out into traffic or get in people’s way.

retractable leash, Are Retractable Leashes a Good Idea


There really aren’t any pros for this type of leash. If your dog is well-behaved, has trained on a long leash, and knows a recall command, however, feel free to try out a retractable leash. Just make sure it’s in a safe area where it’s not very crowded. 

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