How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears

There’s a few reasons why you may need to clean your dog’s ears. They may have an ear infection, they’re active, or they have floppy ears. Here’s how to clean your dog’s ears, as well as what you should look for if they need to be cleaned.

Possible infection/allergies

Are you noticing that your dog is constantly itching or rubbing their ears, and you see a lot of debris buildup? They may have an infection or some type of allergy. 

dog ear infection, how to clean your dogs ears

It’s best to consult with your vet so you know what your dog is dealing with. If it’s a yeast infection, you’ll need a proper cleaning solution approved by your vet in order for the infection to go away. 

You can ask your vet how you should clean your dog’s ears during your visit, as well as if there’s an over-the-counter medication that will help your dog. Over-the-counter products may be cheaper than what the vet will prescribe. 

On a regular basis

If you have a dog breed that has long, floppy ears or a dog that often goes swimming, it’s a good idea to clean their ears on a regular basis. This can be done every few weeks, or once a month.

wet dog, how to clean your dog's ears

Over-the-counter ear cleaning solutions for dogs can be found online for regular cleaning. If you’re not sure which solution you should purchase, you can ask your vet.

How to clean

Have your dog sit in front of you. You’ll want to lift their ear flap up, so you’re able to see the inside of the ear. You can take a cotton ball or tissue and gently wipe away the visible debris. After that you can drop about 5 drops of the cleaning solution into their ear, and then gently rub their ear in a circular motion for about 30 seconds. This allows the cleaning solution to loosen up the debris within the ear. 

After rubbing their ear, your dog may want to shake their head. And that’s okay, you can let them do that. After shaking, take another cotton ball or a tissue and clean the remaining debris in their ear that may still be there. Then lightly dry the area. It doesn’t need to be completely dry. 

Remember to give your dog a treat after their cleaning!

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