How to Potty Train Your Puppy

puppy pee

Potty training may seem like a daunting task. But with some patience and some practice, everything will work out. Here’s how you can potty train your puppy.

Basic Tips

Take them outside every so often, and make sure they use the bathroom before going back inside so they learn that outside is the place to go. If they start pacing around the house, that might be a sign that they’re about to let loose. If you’re crate training them, make sure that they go potty before you put them in their crate, so they don’t think that’s their bathroom.

Crate Training

If you’re a crate user, most of the time, your dog will let you know if they need to go by whining or scratching on the cage. If your puppy is new to crate training, try not mix up their whining for wanting out because they really need to go potty with just wanting out for attention. 

dog-laying-in-crate - How to Potty Train Your Puppy

Puppy Pads

Another potty training option are puppy pads. This should only be a temporary solution for potty training since you would be reinforcing the idea that it’s okay to go potty inside. This option should only be used if it’s absolutely necessary. Instances where it would be necessary include when a puppy is too young to go outside, when you have long work hours, or when the weather is too cold to go outside. These pads should have a designated spot, so your puppy knows where they are allowed to relieve themselves. 

pee pad -


To make training easier, you should come up with some sort of schedule/routine for you and your pup. Your dog will eventually get used to a routine you stick to every day. 

For example:

  • When you wake up in the morning, take them outside right away
  • After they’ve done their morning business, give them their breakfast
  • Take them outside again. You can take them for a walk or let them run around the yard
  • Put them in their crate before leaving for work
  • Let them out right away when you return from work
  • Feed them dinner
  • Take them outside for some exercise, and more potty time
  • And of course always let them out before bedtime

Of course this example doesn’t fit everyone’s schedule. This is just an idea to help you figure out your own routine.

This process will take about 4-6 months, although it may take longer. Be patient with your pup, and they will get used to a potty routine.

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