Taking Your Dog to the Beach: how to prepare

Taking Your Dog to the Beach

Whether it’s that time of year or you’re planning your beach vacation, it’s important to make sure your dog has the things they need to have fun and to be as comfortable as possible.

Here’s how to prepare your dog for the beach:

Dog-friendly beach

First, you’ll want to do some research in the area to see which beaches are dog-friendly. You and your dog will most likely get in trouble if you go to a public beach that does not allow dogs. So in order to avoid that, it’s best to research ahead of time. 

Sun protection

Once you’ve found an acceptable beach, it’s time to prepare for sun safety. You’ll want to look for dog approved sunscreen. If you’re unsure what to look for, you can always ask your dog’s vet. You’ll want to apply the cream where they don’t have a lot of fur, which may be their chest, belly, and especially their nose. 

Another product you may invest in is an umbrella or a small beach tent. This will provide your dog with plenty of shade to keep cool and feel relaxed. It’s important to keep them in the shade a majority of the time, so they don’t overheat.


You’ll want to make sure you have enough water for the both of you. You’re at the beach, and it’s going to be hot! Make sure your dog drinks plenty of water. But you also have to make sure that they don’t over drink. 

Taking Your Dog to the Beach

Since it’s hot, your dog will most likely become exhausted and they may want to drink the ocean water. So when you guys are down by the water having fun and you see them start drinking the salt water, take them back to your beach set up and give them some fresh water.


If you plan to be at the beach most of the day, it’s a good idea to bring some food for your dog. You can either bring some of their kibble, or a few treats.


When you want to take your dog down to the water, it’s best to have their leash on even if your dog is well behaved off leash. You don’t want them going in the water too far, or them getting caught in a wave. 

Depending how your dog feels about the water, you can either walk along the shoreline or go for a swim. If your dog wants to go for a swim, make sure you go into the water at a safe distance from the shore.


It’s important to look at your surroundings so your dog doesn’t step on anything sharp like glass or broken shells. The sand may be really hot for their feet, so if your feet are burning when you walk on the sand, your dog’s are too. It’s also a good idea to look in the water as you two are swimming, so they don’t step on any crabs, jellyfish, or other sea creatures.

Have fun and stay safe!

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